Biomass Electricity

Why biomass electricity ?

Biochar Group is generating electricity from biomass. All vegetations capture Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) from air as it grows. Once harvested, this biomass is turned into biochar through a pyrolysis process. All the process is enclosed, and all the carbon C from the CO₂ is sequestered in the biochar.

Using the exothermic side of the pyrolysis, a boiler is attached, generating the steam that will give motion to a connected turbine that is generating electricity.

That closed combination between biochar and electricity is the best biomass energy producer available today. We can call it a real sustainable and green electricity production.

What is the biomass electricity forecast ?

The global biomass boiler market to grow with a CAGR of 18.4% over the forecast period from 2019-2025.

Who created the first biomass electricity reactor ?

Humans have harnessed biomass-derived energy since the time when people began burning wood fuel.


  • Support emissions-free gas

  • Help transition Africa to cleaner energy sources

  • Fight climate change and air pollution

  • Creates job

  • Sustainable